Enterprise solutions powered by Mapflow technology

We offer solutions for enterprise customers to power your analytics with mapping and interpretation AI and get the best results possible

  • Telco maps

    Mapflow enables the cost-effective workflow to update 3D maps using only 2D imagery + DEM fully automatically. The Mapflow workflow engine is designed for large-scale imagery processing with an average speed of 1 min per 4 Megapixel (~ 1 sq. km VHR).

  • Vegetation management near powerlines

    Analysis of vegetation risks and work control near powerlines. Our AI models are trained on lidar data to perform on a single satellite imagery and can be used complementary to other data surveys.

  • GIS integration

    Our solution can be setup in cloud and on-premise. It can be integrated with GIS (e.g. QGIS-Mapflow provides an immediate workspace for data analysts using free and popular desktop software). Solution developers can start integration using Mapflow public API. The deliverables and API can be customized to meet your workflow requirements and software.

  • Manage your data in the cloud

    Enterprise clients can either upload and manage their data using a dedicated instance of Mapflow in AWS or get our software deployed in the corporate cloud. The external data streaming services can be connected using Mapflow.

Enterprise instances with Mapflow

To fulfill the requirements for a stable and secure solution our software can be deployed on separate instances in AWS, or on-premise. We offer a free trial including many capabilities of an enterprise version.
Get more information and request the trial or demonstration

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